Jason Lim (b. 1966, Singapore) is a ceramicist and performance artist based in Singapore. His repertoire of work encompasses ceramics, photography, video art, installation art and performance art. He has organized and created various platforms for alternative art practitioners to meet and collaborate.
Lim studied at Central St Martins College of Art & Design between 1989 and 1992, and graduated with a BA (Hons). He attained his Master of Fine Arts Degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (LASALLE College of the Arts) in 2003.
Lim was Co-Artistic Director and Artistic Director of the Singapore based performance art event ‘Future of Imagination’ in 2004, 2008, 2011, 2012 and 2014.
In 2007 Lim presented Just Dharma and Light Weight at the Singapore Pavilion during the 52nd Venice Biennale.
In 2010 Lim was invited as guest artist to join performance art collective Black Market International as part of their 25th anniversary celebration tour of Poland, Germany and Switzerland.
Lim has presented more than 150 performances in 25 countries.
シンガポールを代表する陶芸、 写真、ビデオ、インスタレーション、パフォーマンス のアーティスト。繰返しを含む表現形式(⾃然 現象の成⻑や腐敗の儀式模倣)の間を⾏き来し、オリジナルの形態を具現化する。リムの陶器の形状は、時にパフォーマンスの結果であり、常に物質に対する⾝体的な関与の結果であり、⼗分な可塑性に富んでいる。
リムは、ヒンズー教のテキスト「Bhagavad Gita」で探求される物質的及びに精神的な世界のテーマや、⾃然現象や⾵景と同じように多くの異なるインスピレーションを得ている。しかし、彼は必ずしもそれらをエミュ レートする訳ではない:⾃然環境と競合せずに、共に進化したいと考えている。