Seiko Kitayama was born in 1982 in Nagano, Japan. She studied painting at Tokyo Zokei University and during her time as a student there she opened “the artists initiative gallery”. She started working with performance in 2008 and has participated in NIPAF (The Nippon International Performance Art Festival) and many other performance art festivals overseas. Borrowing from Claude Lévi-Strauss, Kitayama explores the idea of Bricolage as the core foundation of performance art, and produces performance works using simple materials. In her work, she attempts to interact with audiences by thinking about things which may appear between them. Her exhibited work has taken the form of filmed performance, installation, painting and live performance and has been shown at SIPAF (Solidarity in Peace Performance Art Festival), Manila, Philippines, 2017; Performance Art Resource Orchestra, Singapore, 2017; the 11th GUYU ACTION International Performance Art Festival, Xian, China, 2017; the Miami International Performance Festival, Miami, US, 2017; the Bakery Festival, Saitama, Japan, 2014-2016; Otera-Happun! Rainbow, Shiga, Japan, 2014-2015; EXTRA! Vol4, Mexico city, Mexico, 2013; iN-PAF 1 (International Interactive Performance Art Festival), New Taipei City, Taiwan, 2013; Poetry Action, Tokyo, Japan, 2012, 2014; NIPAF (Nippon International Performance Art Festival) 2009 – 2012, 2017, Tokyo, Japan; Contact, Taiwan, 2013; Tree of Life, Kawaguchi, Japan, 2009; among others.
1982年長野県生まれ。東京造形大学絵画科卒業。武蔵野美術大学通信課程油絵コース卒業。造形大学在学中に学生自主運営スペースnodeにて企画展や地域アートプロジェクトに携わる。2008年よりパフォーマンスアートを始め国内外のフェスティバルに参加。クロード・レヴィ=ストロースの「ブリコラージュ(器用仕事)」をパフォーマンスの根幹に据え、簡易なマテリアルと行為の間に意味を生成する。観客との呼応の中で、あなたとわたしの関係の中に生じるものを考える。他に映像、インスタレーション、絵画作品。主なフェスティバルに、SIPAF(2017、マニラ)、Performance Resources Orchestra(2017、シンガポール)、谷雨西安行為芸術祭(2017、西安)、長野映像実験室(2016.2017、長野)、(東京創造芸術祭、2015、東京)、パン屋会(2014-2016、埼玉)、長谷寺秋分祭(2011-15、長野)、おてらハプン!(2014-2015、滋賀、m-fat 企画)、Miami International Performance Art Festival(2014、マイアミ)、EXTRA! Vol4(2013、メキシコシティ)