TAKUMICHAN works mainly with performance to create “transforming-meditation” that articulates the relationship between images and human beings. His recent works have been presented as part of blanClass Live Art, 2016-2018 and the Nishiogi Visual Festival, TERATOTERA, 2017 among others. As an actor traversing various fields, Takumichan’s main performances have been part of “Shimatsu wo Kaku” (a durational, interdisciplinary and collaborative work based on Daisuke Kishii’s theatrical play), a collaborative creative performance of a piece by Mr. Wang Chung at Tokyo Arts Festival APAF International (2017), and sons wo: “City II” (2016) among several other productions. Takumichan has also been a main “signboard” actor in the theater unit Sanzan and a core-member of the Yoshihara Art Service (2013-2016). Takumichan’s awards include the Yokohama Dance Collection 2016 Jury Award (as Aokid × Hashimoto Takumi) and the SICF 19 (Spiral Independent Creators Festival 19) PLAY Akane Nakamura prize. In recent years, Takumichan has expanded the range of activities he is involved with his cross-disciplinary work taking place across art project spaces, art galleries, theaters, live houses and alternative spaces.
たくみちゃんは、イメージと人間の関係を表現するインプロヴィゼーション「トランスフォーめいそう」を構築し、パフォーマンスを中心に活動する。近年の発表に「blanClass Live Art(2016-2018)」「西荻映像祭(TERATOTERA・2017)」など。俳優としても領域横断的に活動し、主な出演に「始末をかく」(2018)、東京芸術祭APAF国際共同クリエーション公演ワン・チョン氏作品(2017 )、sons wo:「シティⅡ」(2016)など。また、演劇ユニット山山山(さんざん)の看板俳優を務める。吉原芸術大サービスの運営中心メンバー(2013-2016)。横浜ダンスコレクション2016審査員賞(Aokid×橋本匠として)。SICF19 PLAY 中村茜賞。近年は、アートプロジェクト・アートギャラリー・劇場・ライブハウス・オルタナティブスペースと、越境しながら活動の場を広げている。